This is just a head's up this is not a direct continuation of my previous post but a cool diversion.
This "the children inherent what the Father's conquer" stuff Psalm 69:35b, 36a is everywhere in the Bible if you are looking for it. So I was reading about Abraham and found something that was so freakin' great I've been waiting all week for time to write about it.
Abraham (I'll call him 'Ab' to shorten the writing) was tested. His faith was tested, major. Let's think for a moment. Do mother's test their sons? Yes, they do. Do father's test their son's? Yes, they do. Do they administer the same type of test. I would submit to you they do not.
Now, here is my take on the difference. Mother's seems to test sons to gauge sincerity of love toward the mother. I'm thinking of the "Jewish Mother", 'You neevver call, any more? why don't you call your muther?". But to past the test is to confirm to the mother her fears of lost love are not true. To past is to reassure Mom, you still love them.
So what of Father test? Keeping in mind sick Fathers can Doll out some sick test. I'm wanting just to deal with loving Father's for the moment. So what kind of test do they give their sons. Test to make them stronger. Test to show the son, the son's limits. Test to expand their abilities & limits. Instead of jumping in to rescue, Fathers let their son's taste defeat and victory. The pressure of these tests are simulations of real life pressure they will have to with stand as Adult men. Best story I've heard is, a kid with a cocoon. Watching and waiting for the butterfly to come out. The day arrives and when the kids sees the butterfly struggling and straining to get out, welling up with compassion he intervenes. He gets a razor and makes on a slight insession to make it "easier" for the butterfly only to kill the butterfly in the process. Without the stuggle to live, the butterfly will not have the strength to live. This kids compassion lead to the butterfly's death. They is one example of why Woman cannot put there son's through the tests neccessary to become men. And why Men can. What seems harsh or too tough, in the end is what makes them tough enough to stand. Having done everything to stand, stand firm then.
In my short history with God as my Father. God has tested me. I believe God tests every Man. It is one of his ways. As is holding us close and calling us Son, "beloved son" as Eldredge calls it.
God tested Ab. A severe test, kill/sacrifice the promised son I gave you and prophesied a Godly lineage would succeed from. It made no sense. It seemed to go against what God had promised. Keep in mind God called Ab 'his friend' James 2:23. I hope none of us ever have to be so sever, rips our guts out test. But Ab did.
Ab passed. He passed because he obeyed. He obeyed the Lord no matter the cost. He was 'The Man!'.God will place us in strategic situations to test our obedience. To make us "The Men!". He rarely just teaches us intellectually, he leads us right into the visceral place to forge us inside and out encouraging us to not run away from the circumcision of our hearts, the struggle that leaves of limping but forever changed for the better. Supplanter/Liar to strugger/contender with God. The latter seems more honest and masculine, It is legit and he can be proud of the outcome. The former name is shallow, immature, boyish and depending on his Mommy's schemes to get her boy something illegitamate.
The Bible even said Ab's assurance in God was so strong that he believed God could
raise Issac from the Dead. So here is the Freakin' great part.
God says- Gen 22:16. 'Because you have done this" not only will he be blessed but his kids will walk
in specific promises and destinies. Back to "the children of the righteous inherit whatFather's possess".
Before I get to the promises, know that those that walk by faith believing Jesus made us righteous through his
blood are Ab's kids. These promises are for me and you and for our kids. "I am one of them and so are you, so let's just Praise the Lord, right arm"
Gen 22:18 "your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies". Oh My God, I love a
a fight. Because, Jesus placed the victory over spiritual forces into our hands. So you have enemies.
Picture the enemies of your soul held up in a fortified city, a strong hold. A demonic
place of power. David wrote right before his death "With your help I can advance against a troop; with my
God I can scale a wall" 2Sam 22:30. You charge that stronghold, scale the wall and take possession of your enemies "safe place".
So that is good news for you as Ab's kid. But each of your kids will face their own enemies. But with strong
confidence we can pray and prophecy over our descendants they will take possession of the cites
of their enemies. Think of the power coming down upon latter generations with the Father praying and prophesying
these truths over them. God would honor that!! I'm getting excited just writing about it.
On to the next promise for Ab's kids. "Through your offspring, all nations on earth will be blessed BECAUSE YOU HAVE OBEYED ME" Gen 22:18
One of God's key strategy to reach nations for Jesus is through obedient men and the kids that come from those homes. All nations will be blessed
through the offspring extending the kingdom of God across the 7 mountains of culture (arts & entertainment, Business, Government, Family, Education, Media
and Religion) to transform every nation.
Why will his offspring bless the nations? Why will your offspring bless the nations? Because Ab's obeyed! If we Father's obey, the kids will bless the nations.
It is God's way.
Feeling like I'm cutting it short but I'm done for now. "BECAUSE YOU HAVE OBEYED ME". Obey Men. What powerful plans God has in store out of your obedience
to him. Cut off all the crap. Get with other men to pray and walk with you.
More to say, not enough time to say it. I'll write later.
Abraham was "the Man"
Why is Blog called 'repairing the breach in the wall'?
Hey guys, thanks for all the feedback and encouragement from the last blog. I wanted to explain the name of my blog and why it is named “repairing the breach in the wall”.
Men are like a wall to those whom God has entrusted to them (wives, children, congregations, companies, states, countries, etc….). God has given Men the role of protector and provider.
“I myself will be a wall of fire around it, declares the Lord” Zec 2:5 speaking of his heart for Jerusalem. King David encouraging his subjects “His (God’s) faithfulness will be your shield and rampart” Ps 91:4b. FYI a rampart is a military term meaning “an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes.”
Men reflect the fierceness and strength of God in order to fulfill our role to protect and provide. You got to love CS Lewis’ portrait of Aslan “Is he safe? Oh No He isn’t’ safe but He is good”.
Men provide an atmosphere of safety within the confines of their provision. As a wall around a city creates an atmosphere of freedom and peace, so Men who fully walk in their God given role provide that for those entrusted to them.
As a wall, Men protect from satanic invaders and barbarians. I’ll refer to barbarians as George Gilder did in his excellent book “Men and Marriage”. In a nutshell, barbarians are men who are not tied to any families thus they have nothing to personally lose and only booty to gain. They use their God given strength to rape and pillage. They have nothing to protect so they only destroy. Married men with something to protect are to defend what is theirs from barbarians. I could write a lot here but I’ll refrain. In a modern context think of media producers, musical seducers, pretty boys on parade, drug dealing/ gun slinging barbarians, etc… you get the idea.
Now I get to the meat. The breach in the wall is sin, usually secret sin in a man’s life. It could be obvious sin like masturbating to pornography, sleeping around, using physical strength to intimidate the weak, etc... Look at Gal 5:19 if you need a list of obvious sins.
Or more subtle sins like being acquiescent and surrendering the role God has given you to woman because of fear of women. Why has “no more Christian nice guy” book been flying off the book selves (hmmmmm)?
Now the breach could have been caused by your father’s sin, like a shoe through drywall or bat through a window. Either way, the affect of a breach is the same.
A breach is an opportunity for the enemy to gain access to you and to those behind the wall. Can you say “generational sins”? Generational sins are nothing more than men in your ancestry who never repaired the breach in their own walls. Who never faced the ugly truth and sought repair no matter the cost, yes even to their “reputation” or “I can do this on my own” mentality.
Do you think those entrusted to a man with a broken wall, feel protected and provided for? I expect they learn pretty quick to not depend on this broken wall and start defending them selves. So how well did Eve do defending her self against satanic lies? How well did you defend your self against the peer pressure when you had no one to lean for strength but yourself? Hmmm. I know I did not fair too well at all. But there is hope!!
Through this small way, (i.e. blog) I want to start to help men recognize that because of the role God has given them, their sins and/or their wounds will impact others. It creates or created the breach. My desire is to help men repair the breach, regain their strength and start to kick the devil in the teeth, literally.
Isaiah 58:12b You will raise up the age-old foundations; (Godly Masculinity)
And you will be called the repairer of the breach, (Protection)
The restorer of the streets in which to dwell. (Provision)
The age-old foundations are He created them male and female. Godly masculinity need to be raised up. Repairer is fixing the broken down protection. The restorer is fixing the atmosphere within the walls.
You may ask, OK I get it but ‘How’? Stay tuned.